About us

I have made it my mission to help needy, ill and handicapped children and young people all over the world quickly and unbureaucratically.
– Rainer Winter (December 10, 1935 – January 12, 2025) – Founder and former foundation chairman

The Rainer Winter Foundation is a public foundation under civil law based in Fürth and was founded in 1980 by Rainer Winter with the approval of the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior. The foundation's capital currently amounts to 550,000 euros.

Since then, its selfless and exclusive purpose has been to support needy, sick and handicapped children and young people at home and abroad - unbureaucratically, directly and unselfishly.

The foundation's work focuses on the Nuremberg metropolitan region. The Rainer Winter Foundation does not have to bear any administrative costs. 100% of the donations go to children in need.

Since its establishment in 1980, the Rainer Winter Foundation has donated over 4.2 million euros to disadvantaged children. The foundation is particularly supported by the shareholder family, employees and partners of the uvex group.

Board of Directors Advisory Board brief information

The foundation chairwoman in conversation

Gabriele Grau: Education opens up perspectives

For Gabriele Grau, shareholder of the uvex group and the foundation chairwoman of the Rainer Winter Foundation, social responsibility is a matter close to her heart.

Gabriele Grau continues the commitment of her late father and foundation founder, Rainer Winter, and is dedicated to supporting disadvantaged, sick, and socially vulnerable children and young people, especially in her hometown of Fürth. In neighboring Nuremberg, she is particularly interested in the "Opportunities for Young People" project run by the Nuremberg Stadt Mission, which provides support in the form of courses to obtain a school-leaving certificate, tutoring and language lessons, among other things.

"Education to subsequently find work and stand on their own feet - that's what we want to achieve with our foundation's work," explains Gabriele Grau. The earlier children and young people gain qualifications through nursery, school and vocational training, the more successful they will be in life.

Interview with Rainer Winter

Rainer Winter was a valued member of the board until his passing on January 12, 2025.

Rainer Winter - Foundation founder

Mr. Winter, why did you set up the Rainer Winter Foundation (RWS) over 40 years ago?

I felt a great need to give something back to society. Especially in the Fürth and Nuremberg area. I chose the form of the foundation to make 100% sure that all donations are used exclusively for the desired purpose.

You have increased the foundation's capital from 100,000 German marks in 1980 to 550,000 euros by 2023.

My aim has always been to endow the foundation in such a way that funds are available for children and young people in need even in years when donations are less plentiful.

In over 40 years, the Rainer Winter Foundation has donated a total of more than 4.2 million euros to social projects. How does such a proud amount come about?

This is only possible because, in addition to myself and my family, numerous uvex employees, customers and suppliers identify with the foundation and donate regularly. For example, part of their salary or during the annual Christmas campaign. I am very grateful for this commitment.

What are your favorite moments with RWS?

Seeing the bright eyes of the children and young people again and again when they receive a gift is a great joy for me. Just as great as the joy that my daughter Gabriele Grau, who supports me as a board member, will continue the foundation according to my wishes.

The foundation's advisory board

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